E-Saggila’s, new album

«Gamma Tag» (Northern Electronics)

Este es el quinto álbum de la DJ y productora iraquí Rita Mikhael aka E-Saggila afincada en Toronto y el segundo álbum que lanza el sello sueco Northern Electronics. Sus discos han sido publicados en Opal Tapes, Hospital Productions y en su propio sello.
“Gamma Tag” consiste en siete tracks que transitan entre el dub, el drum’n’bass y el techno, pero con ritmos menos punzantes como su anterior álbum “Corporate Cross” (Northern Electronics, 2020) y dándole así mayor espacio a las construcciones melódicas.
“Amnesiac” que abre este álbum, E-Saggila produce interesantes viñetas digitales y glitches. En “Every Voice At Once” despliega ritmos cercanos al dub junto a duros ritmos gabba con guiños al drum’n’bass. “N3N” muestra un techno con líneas ambientales que se entremezclan con el pegadizo beat 4×4.
El tema homónimo es una madeja de breaks y bombos hiperkinéticos. Aguas menos turbulentas con las que pasan por “Tick” el que en la medida que se desarrolla, va tomando forma con los distintos ritmos que se le van agregando, transformándose en un beat hipnótico perfecto para la pista de baile, así como también lo es “Profiteer” con su techno beat galopante. Para cerrar este disco, “Stalking Star” se desenvuelve en melancólicos sintes aéreos acompañados por beats cercanos al dub que invitan a un viaje placentero.
Rita Mikhael y su actitud “hazlo tu mismo” la lleva con “Gamma Tag” a nuevos territorios en la música dance underground.

This is the fifth album of Iraq-born, Toronto-based DJ and producer Rita Mikhael aka E-Saggila, and her second album released by Swedish Northern Electronics label. Her albums have been released on Opal Tapes, Hospital Productions and on her own label.
“Gamma Tag” consists of seven tracks that move between dub, drum’n’bass and techno, but with less sharp rhythms like her previous album “Corporate Cross” (Northern Electronics, 2020) and thus giving more space to melodic constructions.
“Amnesiac” which opens this album, E-Saggila produces amazing digital vignettes and glitches. In “Every Voice At Once” she deploys rhythms close to dub along with gabba rhythms with nods to drum’n’bass. “N3N” shows a techno track with ambient lines that intermingle with the catchy 4×4 beat.
The homonymous song is a skein of hyperkinetic breaks and bass drums. Less turbulent waters pass away through “Tick” which, as it develops, takes shape with the different rhythms that are added to it, transforming into a hypnotic beat, a perfect one for the dance floor, just as it is “Profiteer” with its galloping techno beat. To close this album, “Stalking Star” unfolds in melancholic airy synths accompanied by beats close to dub that invites the listener to a pleasant journey.
Rita Mikhael and her DIY attitude takes her with “Gamma Tag” to new territories in underground dance music.

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