Joseph Branciforte & Theo Bleckmann, LP2

“LP1” incluía cuatro pistas de sesiones de improvisación de carácter ambiental y minimalista, creando una simbiosis entre lo orgánico y lo análogo/digital.
“LP2” es la continuación y complemento al debut en 2019 de “LP1” que finaliza en la pista “5.5.9” con su carácter coral y que viene a cimentar el camino de “6.15”, que abre “LP2”, donde los sintetizadores aéreos de Branciforte, junto a la voz alada (y tratada) de Bleckmann se expande hasta lo más alto para alcanzar lo sublime. “10.11.5” es un conjunto de loops de clicks, mientras que “11.15” con sus tonos vacilantes, clicks y melancólica voz crea una atmósfera inquietante, acompañada de tonos brillantes e intermitentes. “10.14.4” muestra vocalizaciones entrecortadas y oscilaciones, en tanto en “8.11” emergen las notas titilantes del vibráfono, junto a una variedad de sonidos aleatorios. “7.21” parece la continuación del ambiente sosegado de “6.15” y la voz encumbrada de Bleckmann. “10.17.13” despliega un tapiz de glitches y clicks que son el telón de fondo de una voz espectral. Cierra este disco “9.23” que sigue por una deriva que se siente conmovedora, tonos cinemáticos y fragmentos granulares.
Joseph Branciforte y Theo Bleckmann son verdaderos artesanos que pulen sus canciones con delicados arreglos electrónicos y vocales etéreas, creando una atmósfera que se siente conmovedora e inmersiva.

“LP1” was the inaugural album by vocalist Theo Bleckmann (vocals and electronics) and electronic musician and producer Joseph Branciforte (Fender Rhodes electric piano, modular synthesizer, max/msp software environment, korg ms20 analog synthesizer and, vibraphone), on New York’s Greyfade label, run by Branciforte, which stands out for its high-quality recordings and fine minimalist design on the art covers of its vinyl records.

LP1” consist in four tracks of improvisation sessions with an ambient and minimalist approach, alongside a symbiosis between the organic and analog/digital forms.

“LP2” is the follow-up and complement to 2019’s “LP1” debut album that ends with the track “5.5.9” with its choral character that comes to cement the path of Branciforte’s airy synthesizers and the winged (and treated) Bleckmann’s vocals that expands to the highest to reach the sublime. “10.11.5” is a set of click loops, while “11.15” with its wavering tones, clicks and melancholic vocals creates a haunting atmosphere, accompanied by bright, intermittent tones. “10.14.4” features staccato vocalizations and oscillations, while “8.11” features flickering notes of the vibraphone, along with a variety of random sounds. “7.21” seems to be a continuation of the calm atmosphere of “6.15” with Bleckmann’s soaring voice. “10.17.13” displays a tapestry of glitches and clicks that are the backdrop to a spectral voice. This album closes with “9.23” which follows a drift that feels moving, cinematic tones and granular fragments.

Joseph Branciforte and Theo Bleckmann are truly craftsmen who polish their songs with delicate electronic arrangements and ethereal vocals, creating an atmosphere that feels poignant and immersive.

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