Mattia Onori

“Tra Vento E Oscurità”

Mattia Onori es cofundador junto a Hanna Maria de Melantónia, un colectivo de artistas que trabajan en el campo de las artes sonoras y visuales, en cuya plataforma se han lanzado discos de Aimée Portioli aka Grand River y Sofie Birch; un compilado de varios artistas y de los propios Hanna Maria & Mattia Onori, fomentando la música electrónica en sus vertientes ambient y experimental.
“Tra Vento E Oscurità” («Between Wind and Darkness») es el álbum debut de Onori que abre con “Intro”, una introducción que empieza a mostrar el carácter cinemático del disco que, con sus soterradas grabaciones de campo de objetos y respiraciones entrecortadas, configuran una escena oscura que continua en “Spazio Profondo” y en “cambiamento” en los que se escuchan a lo lejos algunas voces procesadas e inentendibles que producen un ambiente inquietante. En “6 giorni” comienza a despegar una línea ambiental edificante que comienza a planear por el espacio y que se ve interrumpida por una nueva ambientación más orgánica, en la que aparece el canto de los pájaros que pululan en algún ambiente natural. “rtf” despliega chasquidos digitales que se absorben así mismos, ruidos que se expanden y se contraen como también sucede en “La fossa della disperazione”, una pieza de sonidos orgánicos sumergidos que no salen a la luz. “I mostri hanno paura” emerge del silencio del que salen unas notas sintéticas que emprenden viaje hasta encontrarse con “Eppur sto in piè” – que cierra el disco – con una pieza ambiental que goza de gran altura para levitar por el cosmos.
Mattia Onori muestra gran habilidad para crear espacios sonoros que evocan ambientes orgánicos (naturales) y sintetizados.

Onori’s synthetic

Italian Mattia Onori, aka HRNR, based in Berlin, is a sound engineer, sound designer, electronic music composer and audio professional in the fields of film post-production and sound art.
Mattia Onori is co-founder with Hanna Maria of Melantónia, a collective of artists working in the field of sound and visual arts, on whose platform albums by Aimée Portioli aka Grand River and Sofie Birch have been released; a compilation of various artists and Hanna Maria & Mattia Onori themselves, promoting electronic music in its ambient and experimental subgenres.
“Tra Vento E Oscurità” (“Between Wind and Darkness”) is Onori’s debut album that opens with “Intro”, an introduction that begins to show the cinematic nature of the album with its underground field recordings of objects and breaths staccato, they configure a dark scene that continues in “Spazio Profondo” and “cambiamento” in which some processed and incomprehensible voices are heard in the distance that produce a disturbing atmosphere. In “6 giorni” an uplifting environmental line begins to take off, and begins to hover through the space and is interrupted by a new, more organic setting, in which the chirping birds swarm in some natural environment appears. “rtf” displays digital clicks that absorb themselves, noises that expand and contract as also in “La fossa della disperazione”, a piece of submerged organic sounds that do not come to light. “I mostri hanno paura” emerges from the silence from which some synthetic notes emerge that begin a journey until they meet “Eppur sto in piè” – which closes the album – with an ambient piece that enjoys great heights to levitate through the cosmos.
Mattia Onori shows great ability to create soundscapes that evoke organic (natural) and synthesized environments.

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Guillermo Escudero

Música Marginal, Loop