
A perfect balance between melancholy and inspiration

Devin Powers aka SineRider es un guitarrista, cantante y productor nacido en Redwood City, California y ahora radicado en Norwood, Massachusetts. SineRider es el proyecto en solitario de Powers quien estudió en la Berklee College of Music. A lo largo de los años ha desarrollado distintos estilos musicales como el ambient, electrónica, shoegaze, post-rock, publicándose lanzamientos en sellos como Sun Sea Sky, Archives, Dronarivm, entre otros, o bien discos autoeditados.
También ha realizado música instrumental con una variedad de géneros como indie, slowcore, lo-fi, dubstep y 8-bit, bajo muchos alias diferentes como Senseed, Bleepy Bloopy, Hooting Everywhere y Reanu Keeves. Participa en los proyectos Lakewaves e Introspecter, junto con Graham Marlowe y Brian Stegmann, respectivamente.
“Perennial” es el tercer álbum en Sound In Silence, con base en Atenas, sello gestionado por el griego George Mastrokostas (Absent Without Leave), quien también masteriza este álbum.
“Perennial” contiene doce piezas de ambient en las que Powers toca su delicada guitarra y sintetizadores que se enhebran en distintas capas formando ondas sonoras que serpentean por caminos sinuosos. Líneas sintetizadas ambientales y notas sostenidas que crean una atmósfera acogedora que mantiene un perfecto equilibrio entre la melancolía y la inspiración para un sueño duradero e infinito.
Si esta fuera la música ambiente en nuestro entorno, sin duda que este mundo sería mucho mejor.

Devin Powers aka SineRider is a guitarist, singer and producer born in Redwood City, California and now based in Norwood, Massachusetts. SineRider is the solo project of Powers who studied at Berklee College of Music. Over the years he has developed different musical styles such as ambient, electronic, shoegaze, post-rock, releasing on labels like Sun Sea Sky, Archives, Dronarivm, among others, or self-released albums.
He has also performed instrumental music with a array of genres such as indie, slowcore, lo-fi, dubstep and 8-bit, under many different monikers, such as Senseed, Bleepy Bloopy, Hooting Everywhere and Reanu Keeves. He is involved in the Lakewaves and Introspecter projects, along with Graham Marlowe and Brian Stegmann, respectively.
“Perennial” is his third album on Athens-based Sound In Silence, a label run by Greek George Mastrokostas (Absent Without Leave), who also mastered this album.
“Perennial” contains twelve ambient pieces in which Powers plays his delicate guitar and synthesizers that are threaded into different layers shaping sound waves that wind along sinuous paths. Ambient synthesized lines and sustained notes create a cozy atmosphere that maintains a perfect balance between melancholy and inspiration for a lasting and infinite dream.
If this were the ambient music in our environment, without a doubt this world would be much better.

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Guillermo Escudero

Música Marginal, Loop