Andrew Liles

Cover art Andrew Liles

Nacido en Inglaterra en 1969, Andrew Liles es un diseñador de sonido, multi instrumentista y artista gráfico. Conocido como uno de los artistas más prolíficos de los últimos tiempos (a esto yo agregaría también “prolijo”, entendido ello desde las profundidades y potencias sonoras que alcanza), con exquisito trabajo de estudio. Con alrededor de 200 trabajos (entre álbumes, mini álbumes, misceláneos y registros en vivo), este autodidacta está alcanzando notoriedad por su gran capacidad de trabajo, producción y la calidad de su música. En uno de sus más recientes trabajos, “The Unimportance Of Being Earnest”, nos entrega una obra maestra de música contemporánea, jugando verbalmente con el título que hace alusión al clásico de Oscar Wilde “La Importancia de Ser Ernesto” y su crítica a la moral victoriana inglesa. Actualmente integrante de las bandas de culto Nurse With Wound y Current 93, Liles no descansa. En 2024 ya ha editado alrededor de 4 trabajos, los que sólo se podrían resumir, en una palabra; versatilidad. Originalmente realizado sólo en vinilo en una edición de 500 copias bajo el sello Noise Noise Noise en 2016, esta edición digital también posee su versión de “objeto tangible”, concepto desarrollado por Liles para público tradicional que prefiere los discos físicos.
De oscuro registro y humor impecablemente negro, estos artefactos brujeriles actúan como un carrusel en el tiempo de quien guste de la música decadente de ese occidente que ya muere y no volverá. Liles trae este trabajo de vuelta dirigido hacia un objetivo subliminal; la crítica institucional.
Los títulos se denominan: All Hail Andrew Liles, Daddy (The Digital Voice of Daydream Death), Incestuous Institutions, The Prisoner’s Cinema – A Modern Manifesto – Part One: The League of False Entitlement, The Prisoner’s Cinema – A Modern Manifesto – Part Two: The Nazi Disciples of Slaughter.
Sin lugar a discusiones, Liles lleva su nihilismo sonoro a dimensiones insospechadas de una música contemporánea torcida, como el mundo de la moralidad puritana, que hace fuente de su crítica.

Born in England in 1969, Andrew Liles is a sound designer, multi-instrumentalist and graphic artist. Known as one of the most prolific artists of recent times (to this I would also add “prolific”, understood from the depths and sonic powers he reaches), with exquisite studio work. With around 200 works (including albums, mini albums, miscellaneous and live recordings), this self-taught artist is gaining notoriety for his great capacity for work, production and the quality of his music. In one of his most recent works, “The Unimportance Of Being Earnest”, he delivers a masterpiece of contemporary music, verbally playing with the title that alludes to Oscar Wilde’s classic “The Importance of Being Earnest” and his criticism of English Victorian morality. Currently a member of the cult bands Nurse With Wound and Current 93, Liles does not rest. In 2024, she has already released around 5 works, which could only be summed up in one word: versatility. Originally released only on vinyl in an edition of 500 copies under the Noise Noise Noise label in 2016, this digital edition also has its version of a “tangible object”, a concept developed by Liles for a traditional audience that prefers physical records.
With a dark register and impeccably black humor, these witchcraft artifacts act as a carousel in time for those who like the decadent music of that West that is already dying and will not return. Liles brings this work back directed towards a subliminal objective: institutional criticism. The titles are: All Hail Andrew Liles, Daddy (The Digital Voice of Daydream Death), Incestuous Institutions, The Prisoner’s Cinema – A Modern Manifesto – Part One: The League of False Entitlement, The Prisoner’s Cinema – A Modern Manifesto – Part Two: The Nazi Disciples of Slaughter.
Without room for discussion, Liles takes his sonic nihilism to unsuspected dimensions of a twisted contemporary music, such as the world of puritanical morality, which he makes the source of his criticism.

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Jan Klaus

Musick, Sociology, Occultism, Curatory